Thursday, September 22, 2011

Forex Open Trading on the Forex market(Forex Newstoday)

Forex Open Trading on the Forex market involves substantial risks, including complete possible loss of funds and other losses and is not suitable for all members. Client should make an independentu jdgments as to whether trading is appropriate for him/her in light of his/her financial condition, investment experience, risk tolerance and other factors. As a world-leading forex company that has received numerous awards for growth, technology and entrepreneurship More H...

Forex Open Trading on the Forex market(Forex Newstoday)

Forex Open Trading on the Forex market involves substantial risks, including complete possible loss of funds and other losses and is not suitable for all members. Client should make an independentu jdgments as to whether trading is appropriate for him/her in light of his/her financial condition, investment experience, risk tolerance and other factors. As a world-leading forex company that has received numerous awards for More H...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Leila Lopes from Angola was crowned Miss Universe 2011, beating out 88 competitors in a star-studded ceremony in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on Monday night.The 25-year-old Lopes is that nation's first winner.In the 60th anniversary of the world's biggest beauty pageant, she replaces last year's winner, Ximena Navarrete of Mexico. Here's a photo of the winner:"I'm very satisfied with the way God created me and I wouldn't change a thing," Leila Lopes said...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Έμεινε παράλυτη από εγκεφαλικό μετά από..."ερωτική δαγκωματιά"

Η 44χρονη πήγε μόνη της στο νοσοκομείο καθώς παρέλυσε ο αριστερός της ώμος ενώ χαλάρωνε βλέποντας τηλεόραση.Οι γιατροί διαπίστωσαν πως η γυναίκα είχε πάθει...ελαφρύ εγκεφαλικό όμως προβληματίζονταν για την αιτία μέχρι που είδαν μία μικρή πληγή στο λαιμό της , δίπλα από μία αρτηρία.Η 44χρονη Νεοζηλανδή τους αποκάλυψε ότι ήταν μία ερωτική δαγκωματιά από τον εραστή της λίγες ημέρες νωρίτερα.Σύμφωνα με τους γιατρούς εξαιτίας της δαγκωματιάς σχηματίστηκε...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Long legged girls in bikini at Chinese auto show


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bitches Over Bros: Why Your Dog Is The Best Boyfriend You’ll Ever Have

It’s every girls worst nightmare that she’ll grow old with seventy cats and no husband. While it’s completely reasonable to want to avoid this feline fate, the opposite is true of dogs. Having recently adopted a puppy, I’ve found reason to believe that having a furry friend is better than having a boyfriend. They may be mans best friend, but dogs are woman’s best wingm...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic unveiled a monument to himself at Serbia Open. you may remember that this was one of the terracotta warrior statues made in France for the 2007 Tennis Masters Cup in Shanghai [TENNIS WARRIORS MADE IN FRANCE ... IN CHIN...